About Us

The DFLG (CIO) incorporates the former Forest Prairie & Forest Pannier Funds, formed in 1972 and 1973 respectively.

The Group became a registered charity in December 2015 to secure the continued preservation of locomotives ex-GWR 2-6-2T No.5541 and ex-BR 0-6-0PT No.9681, together with a variety of rolling stock.

You can support us financially or practically by becoming a Member or an Associate of the CIO and, if appropriate, by completing the Gift Aid form. Membership of the DFLG (CIO) is open to anyone who is interested in furthering its purposes.

By applying for membership you agree to abide by the constitution and rules of the DFLG

What the Group owns and our current projects can be found here.

Gift Aid

As a registered charity we can benefit from Gift Aided Donations which gives the group 25p for every £1 donated. A Gift Aid form can be found here.