The majority of our income is generated through steaming fees. Over the winter, our opportunities to steam in revenue earning service reduces hugely. However, it is also the time in which restoration projects are advanced, owing to the natural down time. It is important that we continue to fund raise as much as we can. Can you help us?
You can donate to any locomotive or item of rolling stock, or make a general donation to the DFLG.
5541 – Currently in traffic. Fundraising launched for overhaul in 2022.
9681- Undergoing major overhaul and expected back into traffic in 2022.
9682 – Long term restoration project.
We also have a variety of wagon restorations in progress.
You can donate by Bank Transfer to the DFLG via the following details: Dean Forest Locomotive Group, Barclays Bank, Sort Code 20-33-83 Account Number 10966932.
You can donate via Paypal at the following link: Donate (
All donations are gratefully received and help us to continue our restoration and conservation work. Many thanks!