Joining Us

If you would like to become a member please download and fill in the form from the link below.

We are always looking for volunteers to join our dedicated team. you can contact us via the contact us link.

The Dean Forest Locomotive Group is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) registered in England & Wales No. 1164847

Membership includes:

  • Hands on restoration experience
  • Social events
  • The right to attend and vote at the Groups AGM

Note that under Charity Regulations, certain responsibilities and undertakings are required of members.  These are described in the membership form and the governing document of the charity and the constitution.

Membership runs from the date of joining the DFLG and terminates if the member does not renew within six months of the due date.

To become a member, please fill in an application form in the link above, and email it to:

Alternatively you can post it to :

Secretary DFLG

Dean Forest Locomotive Group
Forest Road
GL15 4ET

Alternatively, contact us via the Contacts page.